It is one of the longest running working groups (formerly known as the Professional Standards Group).
The group’s purpose & aims are to:
The group comprises of practicing BABICM members from a range of companies, professional backgrounds and localities across the UK. We use our collective experience to provide guidance for professional practice, advanced membership assessments and to respond to any membership enquiries as they arise. The Advanced Practitioner Membership Assessment process also sits within this group.
Chair: Vic Leever
Advanced Membership Reviewers: Vic Leever, Nicola Simpson
Group members: Anna Watkiss, Janine Heritage, Heidi Stanley, Anita Pascoe
The work undertaken by this group covers a broad range of professional practice including our Standards and Competencies, Code of Ethics, and a range of best practice guidance including:
We welcome queries from the members, and although we cannot be directly prescriptive with our advice, we strive to offer guidance to any case managers or partners of BABICM. Recent enquiries have included questions about membership categories, levels of supervision for case managers, and the use of assistant case managers.
Please contact us for support or further information.