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Charity Associate Membership

Please note: This membership type is not appropriate for case managers, who should join BABICM individually in any of the following Practitioner categories: Practitioner, Registered Practitioner or Advanced Registered Practitioner.

Charity Associate Membership is open to all registered charities who are associated with brain injury and complex case management .

Benefits of Charity Associate Membership include:
  • Discounted rates at BABICM events for up to 5 delegates (including the ability to book via our member Earlybird rates).
  • *Free selected sponsorship and collaboration opportunities for our events and training
  • Access to the members-only section on the BABICM website to benefit from specialist news, articles and our resources.
  • Charity Associate Member details can be added to the rolling banner on the front page of the BABICM Website

*These will be determined by event type, to include Exhibition stands, free pack inserts, logo on promotional material etc.

Charity Associate Membership Fee

£75 per annum.

Please note: This membership type is not appropriate for case managers, who should join BABICM individually in any of the following Practitioner categories: Practitioner, Registered Practitioner or Advanced Registered Practitioner.

2013-2024© Copyright BABICM

Company Number: 03176447