This outline provides recommendations on how to identify an appropriate case manager for your client.
Case management is a collaborative process, that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individual’s health and wellbeing, education and/or occupational needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective and safe outcomes.
The practice of case management developed in the United Kingdom in recognition of gaps in services for those individuals whose needs did not fall conveniently within the boundaries of a single agency or professional group.
Case management is not a profession per se: it draws on the involvement and valuable skills of qualified and regulated professionals such as therapists, nurses or social workers. Case managers are employed in many business spheres, including Health and Social Services, but also privately and in insurance companies.
BABICM is the key organisation for case managers working with clients with a brain injury and complex needs. It is a membership organisation which provides training and sets standards for practice.
BABICM operates a system whereby members are required to meet relevant professional standards and practice competencies.
BABICM Registered practitioners have professional backgrounds including Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Psychology, Nursing, Speech and Language therapy and Physiotherapy. Each case manager has their own particular areas of expertise which may include brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputees. They often have experience of working with either adults or children and young people.
To maintain this membership they will need to confirm to the registered body every other year that they are still fit to practice, that they have undertaken the appropriate training and continuing professional development to enable them to be up to date with best practice, maintain professional standards and uphold their professional code of ethics.
Case managers who are not registered professionals can work as a practitioner case manager. They may have years of experience in working in healthcare. It is advised that for case managers that are not registered, the person using this service looks carefully at their skills and experience before deciding on their suitability to undertake the tasks required.
Experienced case managers can apply to BABICM to become advanced registered practitioners. To apply, members must have significant and relevant case management experience and demonstrate that they are working to a high standard, judged against the BABICM professional standards and competency framework.
The case manager’s role includes the co-ordination of services required to meet an individual’s health, care, social, educational and employment needs, and support for the family. This involves advocating on behalf of the client and close liaison with the wider team of professionals. The case manager should be a skilled communicator, promote teamwork and use available resources to promote quality, cost effective outcomes.
The case manager initially identifies needs with the client and makes recommendations to meet these needs. The case manager would then work with the client to agree and implement plans which may involve commissioning a multidisciplinary team, support worker package or increasing client participation in community activities. The case manager will regularly review and report on progress to the client, family, professionals involved and legal team.
These include the following but please note that this is not an exhaustive list:
BABICM recommends that referrers or solicitors commissioning case management services for their clients should ensure time is given to finding the best match between case manager and client. In reaching a decision consideration should be given to the client’s preference, case manager approach, skill, expertise and geographical location.
When commissioning a case manager or case management company you should be provided with clear details of their fees. There is usually a set fee for an initial case management assessment.
Following that there is usually an hourly rate for case management professional time including visiting the client, report writing, professional meetings, coordination and management of services, telephone contact and record keeping tasks. Travel and mileage are also chargeable.
There may be a different rate when the case manager is asked to engage in medico legal tasks associated with the case, e.g. attendance at a case conference, providing a witness statement or attending court as a witness of fact.
Case management companies may also charge an administrative fee for work carried out by administrative staff.
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For our policy and guidance on raising a concern about individual brain injury case managers, please click here.