Corporate Associate Membership is open to all professional organisations, companies and groups with an interest in case management.
1. Please can you complete the online membership application form. This will mean you only need check your details next year at renewal time.
2. Once your membership has been approved you will receive notification with an invoice attached. This invoice can be paid by BACS or by credit/debit card via a link in the invoice.
3. Although BABICM strives to ensure that all its members work to a high standard, with integrity and in good faith, BABICM is unable to individually monitor every individual at all times. Membership Terms & Conditions
The information about providers and services contained on this website does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by BABICM. It is your responsibility to verify and investigate providers and services. Please consult your own professional advisor for all advice concerning medical, legal or financial matters in connection with the services needed. BABICM assumes no liability of any kind for the content of any information transmitted to or received by any person in connection with the person’s use of the website. Also, references on this web site to any specific commercial products, process, information, service, manufacturer, or company do not constitute endorsement or recommendation or by BABICM.