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About Us

The British Association of Brain injury and Complex Case Management (BABICM) is the leading membership organisation for professionals working in brain injury and complex case management.  BABICM provide a structure for the continued professional advancement of case management, promoting best practice to address and manage the needs of people with brain injury and people with other complex conditions.

We were established in 1996 to develop best practice in brain injury case management. As a representative body we now have one vision, that the needs of people with brain injury and complex conditions are recognised and met through excellent case management.

We strive to:

  • Recognise, promote and share knowledge and excellence in brain injury and complex case management, for adults, children and young people.
  • Lead the way promoting research and evidence-based practice.
  • Influence and shape national policy and procedures for individuals with brain injury and complex needs through collaborative and inclusive working.
  • Ensure the highest professional and ethical standards.
  • Deliver an effective and equitable service and ensure sustainability of the Association.

What we offer

  • Representation: BABICM is an inclusive organisation offering strong representation to policy makers, the healthcare and legal industry and internationally. We offer representation, professional development and support to our members and on behalf of the brain injury and complex profession. Introduce yourself to our membership categories and criteria today.
  • Professional Development: We pride ourselves in producing industry-leading brain injury events across the UK, utilising the latest technology and speakers to deliver enhanced training and development opportunities. Non-members are also welcome! Click here for our events calendar.
  • Research & Resources: BABICM has always led the way for brain injury and complex case managers and today, we can offer over 21 years’ experience in understanding and explaining the techniques, challenges, triumphs and innovations of brain injury and complex case management – thanks to our extensive research programmes, surveys and strong links to our members and their experiences.
  • A Forum for Collaboration: BABICM is the forum for developing best practice and policy regarding the needs of people with brain injury and complex conditions – evidenced in our unique training programme and support for the Office of the Public Guardian, our representation of brain injury case management and our members’ clients’ needs through the ABI Alliance, and our increasing relationships with key policy makers and influencers.

Standardising Practice

We aim to deliver a clear development pathway to ensure we can consistently promote high standards and professionalism in the delivery of brain injury and complex case management across the UK. We are collaborating with other organisations to create a national joint case management framework and to promote high standards of practice and accountability, working towards national accreditation for case managers.

What is Case Management?

Case management is a collaborative process, that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the interventions and services required to meet an individual’s health and wellbeing, rehabilitation, education and/or occupational needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective and safe outcomes. The practice of case management developed in the UK in recognition of gaps in services for those individuals whose needs did not fall conveniently within the boundaries of a single agency or professional group. Watch our helpful video below for more.

Who are Case Managers?

A Case Manager should be a qualified health or social care professional. Case Managers will have skills and experience in working with people with brain injury or complex needs. Case Managers are employed in many spheres, including Health and Social Services, but also privately and in insurance companies.

Click here to view a guide for clients and their families and friends to see what case managers do for individuals with a brain injury, from assessment to implementing plans.

Are you a lawyer, trustee or professional deputy looking to understand more about brain injury and complex case management for your clients?

Then click here to view our handy guide.

How to find a Case Manager

Clients and their families need to identify a case manager in whom they have trust and confidence and with whom they can develop a good professional relationship. Case managers come from different professional backgrounds and have their own particular areas of expertise.

Potential clients should ask the proposed case manager for a CV as an indication of his or her relevant experience and specialisms.

Find a Case Manager

You can view a list of our Advanced Case Manager members and Corporate Associate Members using our Find a Case Manager tool, here. 

I recommend to my clients that they instruct a brain injury case manager and when I recommend a particular brain injury case manager I always turn to the British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers. I turn to BABICM as they have a comprehensive list of experienced brain injury case managers.

I frequently choose one of their advanced members, as I know that they will have many years of experience in supporting survivors of brain injury and their families.

"I always turn to BABICM"

Malcolm Underhill, Partner & Solicitor, IBB Solicitors

Customer Care Commitment

BABICM and it’s people are committed to meeting your needs with efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and courtesy.

Click here for our Customer Care Commitment

For further information please contact us.

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Company Number: 03176447