Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for January 2020

Succession Planning

BABICM Chairship

You may be aware our current chair Angela Kerr is due to finish her term as BABICM Chair  in  June 2021, the role of BABICM Chair will be filled from within Council, interested parties will be required to join Council from June 2020.

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

The current Treasurer Andrew Rose and Membership Secretary Tim Watson’s terms are due to end in June 2020.  Plans are in place to discuss these roles with interested parties within BABICM Council.

Membership Report

We were able to report that we have over 832 members of BABICM which is an increase of 136 new members in the last 12 months.  A Corporate Associate membership is to be introduced to allow back office staff at Case Management companies to join as Corporate members.  These will not be listed on the BABICM website.

Honorary BABICM Memberships are to be awarded to those who have contributed substantially to BABICM and not limited to previous BABICM Chairs.  The criteria is to be discussed in further detail.

Sub Group Vice Chairs

Sally Wilkinson and Angela Kerr have been appointed as vice chairs of the Training Events and RCMSG sub groups, respectively.  In the absence of the sub group chair the vice chairs will report updates into council. The PPMG and Research sub groups are yet to appoint vice chairs.

BABICM Office (Administration Matters)

A page has been set up within each of the sub-group pages introducing all of the sub group members with a photograph and short biography.

Guides for Solicitors and Families to be finalised and a booklet produced for distribution.

Training Events Group

The next event scheduled is the Disclosure Dilemmas Not for the Fainthearted event in Manchester, this has been repeated due to its popularity last year.

We are currently recruiting for an experienced Case Manager to join the Training Events group, interested parties should contact the office by 28th February 2020.

Professional Practice & Membership Group

Further dates have been added to the 2020 calendar for Advanced Membership Assessments, these will be held in Birmingham, London and Cardiff, bookings can be made via the website.

BABICM Membership packs are to be produced for new members of BABICM, these are to include information about BABICM and its sub groups along with a copy of the Competencies and Standards.   The format is yet to be finalised.

PPMG were asked by the members to clarify why only Advanced BABICM members were listed on the website. To ensure we are setting standards for our membership we can only list the members who have been through an Advanced Membership Assessment.


A submission is to provided by the group for each issue of the NR Times in 2020, these will also be available on the website and BABICM monthly newsletter.

The outcomes of research is to be sent out to the membership in the next week.


The Institute of Registered Case Managers has now been set up with companies house and are finalising administration.  This is to be offically launched at the House of Lords this year. The HCPC, NMC, Social Work England and other stakeholders are to be invited to attend.  Supporters will be able to buy bricks to ‘build the institute’ or buy flags to ‘wave the flag’ in support. Further details will be confirmed following the IRCM strategy day in February 2020.

SIG Groups

Penny Haysom has been been appointed as Chair of the CYP (Children and Young Persons) group, they are to be supported as a Special Interest Group until fully established.

Any Other Business

BABICM are collaborating with a number of other specialist groups, these are to reported back into Council going forward to communicate out to the membership. These include the ABI Alliance and Rehabilitation Working party.

To reduce travel and venue costs, the Council have agreed to meet by video conference more often. The next meeting has been scheduled for 19th March 2020.