We are delighted to report that BABICM hosted another hugely popular and valuable Beyond the Beginnings training workshop on the 14th November 2019.

The event was led by two experienced brain injury case managers, Sally Wilkinson and Joanne Foster.

The majority of delegates who attend our annual training workshop are new or progressing in the field of brain injury and complex case management  and want to know more.



Sally Wilkinson welcomes delegates to the first session.

Rachel Wason & Sarah Parkin discuss Litigation pitfalls


BABICM’s ‘Beyond the Beginnings’ workshop is regarded by case management companies and our members as the definitive follow up course for developing brain injury & complex case managers.

We are incredibly proud of our annual two-part workshop courses for new and would be and progressing brain injury case managers, where we can share priceless knowledge and experiences of specialist case managers with those start of their case management journey and also explain the BABICM competencies and standards – regarded as the definitive reference for professional behaviour, conduct and aptitude for brain injury case management within the sector and by litigators, deputies and client stakeholder groups.

Topics included:

  • Keep calm: It’s only the Medic Legal Process
  • Life of a PI Claim
  • Litigation pitfalls
  • Record keeping
  • Estimating Case Management costs under scrutiny

Please visit our Events page for our latest event updates.