Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for January 2021

BABICM Council met virtually on the 14th January to discuss the latest decisions, new ventures successes and sub-group reports.

Topics arising and decisions made

BABICM Members to be published on website

As part of our company strategy on transparency, BABICM will be publishing all of its members on the website in the near future. Members will be listed by membership category clearly defining each membership level.

Information gathered from BABICM Members

To improve the BABICM diversity and inclusion policy.Council would like to collect data from our new and existing members with reference to their background. i.e Ethnicity, gender, age etc.

Volunteer Agreement

A Volunteer agreement for BABICM Directors and Council is to be finalised and signed. This agreement will be published on the website once completed.

Membership Report

We were able to report that BABICM has over 870 members. An increase of 50 members since January 2020.

A criteria for Fellows membership is to be finalised by Council.

Training Events Group

The New and Would Be and Beyond the Beginnings workshops are again to be run virtually in March 2021. Future workshops are to be formalised by a project team within the Training Events group, providing an accredited Foundation Certificate in Case Management in Levels 1 & 2.

BABICM will continue to hold all of its events virtually until May at the earliest.

Professional Practice & Membership Group

A link to all BABICM guidance for COVID-19 will feature via a link on the website landing page.

PPMG have produced further guidance for Registered Practitioner members looking to take their Advanced Membership Assessments. This can be found in this months magazine and on the BABICM website.

A further ‘Ask the Assessors’ webinar is to be scheduled this year where candidates for Advanced Membership can take part in a live Q&A session with the assessors.


Outcome Project: Work continues to prepare a paper for publication on the Outcome Project. Once complete, plans will be made to share this with the membership

Covid-Study: Ethics approval has now been granted for the study by Plymouth University. Participants are being approached to set up Focus Groups facilitated by the students from Plymouth University. These will happen over the next few months.

Neuro-Times: The group remain interested in developing writing for the Neuro-times, although time restricted. The group are happy to edit writing from others who might wish to submit.

Website: The Research page this will be a valuable asset and there are many ways in which this can be utilised to increase engagement with the membership, for education, as a resource and to promote the work that BABICM have and are achieving.

Other projects: The group are exploring options for the focus of the next research project at this time for next year. The group have also discussed approaching other partners to expand the work from Brain Injury to other areas of Complex Case Management.

Registered Case Managers Strategy Group

The group are to look at tender for a Project Manager to begin moving the PSA accreditation forward.


CYPG were asked to review the competencies and standards to provide a companion guideline document for children and young people.

Company Strategy Group

The group are developing a communications strategy, budgets and future training to link in with the IRCM.

Treasurers report

Profitability has increased this year due to lack of expenditure for travel and venue hire.

Any Other Business

The next meeting of Council will be arranged by video conference on the 18th March 2021.