Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for November 2019

Succession Planning

BABICM Chairship

You may be aware our current chair Angela Kerr is due to finish her term as BABICM Chair  in  June 2021, the group will shortly release the required criteria for any expressions of interest.  The next potential Chair will be co-opted onto Council for succession planning for 12 months prior to becoming Chair.

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

The current Treasurer Andrew Rose and Membership Secretary Tim Watson’s terms are due to end in June 2020. The group will shortly release the required criteria for any expressions of interest.

Membership Report

We were able to report that we have over 817 members of BABICM which is an increase of 126 new members in the last 12 months.  We have also seen an increase in Charity and Student memberships.

Training Events Group

We have recently completed two successful training events including the Life of Brian and Beyond the Beginnings.  The next event scheduled is our sell out event Case Managing with Curiosity and Creativity: Planning the Best Personalised Care in Manchester.

Sally Wilkinson from JSP has now been appointed as Vice Chair of the group and we also welcome two new members of TEG, Steve Brown from JMW Solicitors and Ged Horton from Fletchers Solicitors providing legal knowledge within the group.   We are also looking to appoint a further member of TEG in the new year.

Professional Practice & Membership Group

Advanced Membership Assessments for 2020 are now all booked.  The group will look to add further dates in 2020 and recruit a third paid assessor to the group in the new year.

Guidance notes on CQC registration and lawful bases for processing data are to be added to the website and distributed to members via the December newsletter and can be found in the members area of the BABICM website.

Accredited members of the BACP will also now be invited to join BABICM as Registered Practitioner members. Any existing members of BABICM who are not Registered Practitioner members and would like to update their membership are to contact the office on secretary@babicm.org.


The launch of the Annual Conference Poster campaign was launched last month. These posters will be displayed at the Annual Conference 2020 and featured beforehand on the BABICM website with a short presentation video.

A survey was distributed to the membership by the Research group and the data is currently being reviewed by the group.

BABICM Office (Administration Matters)

Hard copies of the BABICM competencies and standards are to become available for all members on request.  These are to be reviewed by the PPMG group and reprinted in the new year.

Photographs representative of the work carried out by Case Managers to be included in the website, BABICM members are welcome to submit their own.

Council meeting dates have now been set until June 2021 and the annual 2 day Strategic Planning meeting has been booked for the 21st & 22nd Sept 2020 at the Genting Hotel, Birmingham.

Sub group pages are to be updated on the website to include photographs and biographies of all of our members and the work carried out by each group.

An updated expenses policy is to be sent to all members of the BABICM Council, sub groups and Advanced Membership Assessors. This will also be published on the BABICM website.

Other updates

Following the updates provided by the CQC and CIW in regards to registration of Case Management, Angela Kerr and Karen Burgin from CMSUK are to contact Care Inspectorate Scotland for clarification of registration of Case Management in Scotland.