The framework is about quality case management practice – thus it defines the level of autonomy and scope of practice.
The criteria will apply across all different areas of expertise and practice of case management (i.e. clinical, vocational, specialist, etc.).
It is important to note that these criteria are not a replacement of any specific requirements that may exist in particular areas of case management, e.g. Brain Injury Case Management or Vocational Case Management, but will complement existing frameworks.
The tenets of these criteria are their universal applicability – the criteria should be read as guidelines that set out expected skills, areas of knowledge, and experiences.
As with all criteria-based frameworks, equivalent skills and expertise areas will be accounted for on a case-by-case basis. This framework is not designed, primarily, as an appraisal tool, but to indicate good and best practice in case management. This document is a working document and does not represent a final product. It is expected that this framework will develop further based on feedback from case managers and others with an interest in case management practice.