Approx 2hrs 15 mins Live Q & A session 10am -12.15pm
BABICM Members
Standard Rate
Standard Rate
from 10am
12:15 pm
This event has been so popular in the past that we would like to bring you the latest updates and advice from the experts virtually.
Disclosure Dilemmas Online: Not for the faint hearted, is a timely and exciting half-day virtual workshop which will cover the legal and practical implications of disclosure of documentation during the course of the litigation process vital event for brain injury case managers and all others leading and involved in litigation.
This workshop will be presented by Counsel, Claimant and Defendant solicitors and Case Manager/Care Expert followed by panel discussion. The event will cover the following areas:
Learning Outcomes
QC Sally Hayfield Gerard Horton
We are pleased to be able to offer marketing opportunites for this event.
10am – 10.30am Introductions and an overview of the law on disclosure and privilege – Sally Hatfield QC
10.30am – 10.50am Case Manager – Jude Greenfield
10.50am – 11am Break
11am – 11.20am Claimant Solicitor Gerard Horton
11.20am – 11.40am Defendant Solicitor Emma Spencer
11.40 – 12.15 am Panel session Q&A
BABICM are delighted to offer advertising in our digital event brochure which will be provided to all delegates. Contact the BABICM office at secretary@babicm.org to book.
We are proud of the continued success and added value offered to sponsors and exhibitors of our training and events programme. For our Disclosure Dilemmas Online: Not for the Fainthearted event we are offering:
Clickable Corporate video which can be embedded into the digital delegate programme £425 plus VAT
This is a great opportunity for you to access our event attendees directly, by putting an advert into our digital delegate event programmes for Disclosure Dilemmas Online: Not for the Fainthearted which will be emailed to all of our delegates.
Programme advertisement fee: £75 (plus vat)Half A4
Programme advertisement fee: £100 (plus vat)full A4 page