The Midland Hotel, Manchester
16 Peter Street
M60 2DS
BABICM Members
Booked before 22.10.19
Booked from 23.10.19
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This is an essential event for all case managers and professionals working to ensure people with brain injury and other complex health conditions have opportunities, choices and possibilities in their daily lives.
Case Managing with Curiosity and Creativity:
Planning the Best Personalised Care
3rd December 2019
08:00 -9:15 | Registration, Refreshments & Networking |
9:15 – 9:30 | Welcome & Introductions Chair: David Knifton QC – Exchange Chambers |
9.30 – 10.15 | Engaging Your Curiosity and Creativity to Enable Personalised Care: Examples from Our Peers Dr Allison Saltrese, Clinical Case Manager, RT Disability Consultants Limited |
10:20 – 11:05 | “It’s because they have a brain injury!” Unpicking what is or is not important, and what is required from the support workers and the MDT Louise Chance Case Manager, A Chance for Life |
11.05 -11.35 | Refreshments & Networking |
11:40 – 12:25 | Direct Employment or Agency: A Deputy’s Perspective – Frances Mayne, Deputy, Wilsons Solicitors |
12:30 – 13:15 | Professional Curiosity: an essential component of complex health and social care situations Barbara Firth, Independent Trainer and Consultant |
13:15 -14:15 | Lunch & Networking |
14:20 – 15:05 | Negotiating the minefield of CHC funding – understanding the process and the framework to achieve optimum outcomes’ Sue Peters , Independent Advocate/ Statutory Care Advisor, HCMS Ltd |
15:10 – 15.55 | ‘The Hidden Glue: Getting the best from your Support Workers’ Lucy Fallon, Care Manager, Ariya Neuro Care |
15:55 – 16:10 | End of day and closing remarks |
BABICM is delighted to offer exhibition stands for this event – but be quick as numbers are limited!
We are proud of the continued success and added value offered to sponsors and exhibitors of our training and events programme. For our Case Managing with Curiosity & Creativity event, we are offering:
These consist of:
Exhibition fee: £500 per stand
This is a great opportunity for you to access our event attendees directly, by inserting a promotional flyer into our Case Managing with Curiosity & Creativity delegate packs. Please contact the BABICM office if you wish to take up this opportunity.
Flyer insert fee: £50
For further information on this event, please contact the BABICM office.