We are delighted to announce that submissions for our Best Practice in Brain Injury Case and Complex Case Management Poster Presentation are now live!
Each year, at our headline Annual Conference, we hold a presentation of posters submitted by practitioners that highlight good practice in the field of brain injury rehabilitation, case management and complex care.
We will showcase posters that meet our criteria at our Annual Conference 2022 in June.
BABICM will be presenting their annual conference entitled ‘Down But Not Out: The Fighter Still Remains” on 15th and 16th June 2022 at the East Midlands Conference Centre. As part of this conference, we are again calling for poster presentations to highlight good practice in the field of brain injury rehabilitation, case management and care. Please find below guidelines for completing the poster presentation and timeframes for the completion of each stage. Please note that these timeframes will be strictly adhered to unless otherwise stated via the BABICM office.
This year we are attempting to move into the Digital Age more fully and all posters will be presented electronically. You will have the option to present your poster by submission of a short video (using Zoom, Teams or other media) beforehand which may be used in marketing of the conference, presented during the conference and potentially retained on the BABICM website. It is considered that this will prove a more effective way of distributing good practice and provide enhanced opportunities to demonstrate your clinical work.
Please watch the video on the BABICM website for advice on development of a good poster (Click link) https://bit.ly/32wjcQa
Stage One – Completion of abstract of poster presentation.
Deadline: Friday 25th March 2022
Theme of Poster Presentation: Good practice within brain injury rehabilitation, case management and care.
We have purposefully kept the theme broad to attract a wide variety of poster presentations. It is important to note that there is an expectation that the posters are of a high professional standard, with reference to the supporting literature to enhance your discussions/conclusion (please refer to ‘Areas to be Covered’ section for details on the expected content of the abstract).
It is important to note that the purpose of the poster presentations are to develop/discuss best practice within the field of brain injury. These are not to be used as promotional material for a company, organisation or institution. Although it is acknowledged that the poster will indirectly advertise the support of your workplace, any abstracts/posters which are found to be primarily promotional in nature will not be considered/included in the conference.
Areas to be covered: Within the abstract the author(s) needs to have considered the following areas where applicable:
- Purpose/relevance of the topic to the theme.
- Methodology (including data collection techniques).
- Results/conclusion (making reference to the impact on professional practice, strengths and limitations).
- References/acknowledgements (if required).
N.B. References should be presented using the Vancouver (Numeric) style. Please use the following link for an example as to how this is presented:
Please include the title of the poster and the author(s) name(s) in bold at the top of the page.
Reference Link: https://www.ukessays.com/referencing/vancouver/
Source: Referencing guidelines via UKEssays.com
Submission: Please send abstract submissions by the deadline as identified above to the BABICM office using the following email address:
Email: secretary@babicm.org
Please ensure that you put ‘BABICM conference poster submission’ as the subject heading and contact details for the author(s) are provided (email and telephone contact).
Please note that we will only take abstracts via email. No other form of submission will be accepted.
Queries: Any queries in relation to the abstracts should be directed to Janette Mason (BABICM Office Manager) via the email below. Please ensure that you provide a contact telephone number should this be required.
Email: janette@babicm.org
Stage Two – Panel review of abstract submissions.
Timeframe: 25th March 2022 – 14th April 2022
N.B. You will be informed if your abstract has been accepted week commencing: 18th April 2022
The abstracts will be reviewed by the BABICM research sub-group during the timeframe above. We will be looking that the author(s) have provided the required details as identified in the ‘Areas to be covered’ section of stage one and that the area being addressed falls within the theme of ‘Brain injury rehabilitation, case management and care’.
During the review process, you may be contacted to amend and re-submit your abstract, should the panel feel this is required. Please note that you will be provided with a timeframe for the amendments to be completed by at the time of contact. The Research Group are happy to provide support/mentorship at any stage in this process. Whilst professional rigour and academic critique may form part of this support, essentially, we want to support and encourage you all to write!
Stage Three – Completion of the poster presentation.
If your abstract has been accepted, you will be required to complete your poster using the following guidelines and submit it by 30th May 2022:
Size: Please complete your poster by inputting on to a Powerpoint slide (Standard 4:3) To check the slide size go to Design->Slide Size -> (standard 4:3).
Layout: The poster should be presented in a clear and concise manner, with consideration being given to the font size and type. It will also be important to consider how the material is displayed, so that the reader is clear on the poster’s message.
Content: Whilst it will be at the discretion of the author(s) as to the content of their presentation, there are a number of factors which need to be considered/included to ensure that your poster is of a professional standard.
- Title
- Author(s) name, designation and institution
- Introduction – provide an overview of your poster’s theme and reasoning for why this was chosen.
- Aims and objectives
- Main body – this will include your methodology, conclusions, discussions and any recommendations that can be drawn. It will also be important to comment on how this is applicable to practice within the brain injury field, with a comment on strengths and limitations.
- References – please see above for details on the referencing system that needs to be used.
- Acknowledgements (if required)
Recording of video: We are introducing a new way to communicate your poster presentation to delegates/wider community in 2022. We are going to be launching a series of short videos that each poster presenter will record which will showcase their poster in more depth. We are asking all accepted poster presenters to record a video. Please note the following in terms of requirements:
- Videos are to last no longer than 10 minutes in length.
- Powerpoint presentation can be used to provide more context/depth of explanation to the poster.
- Video will adhere to the same caveats as the poster presentation as identified in ‘Stage One’ with regards to promotion and will need to be accepted by BABICM for presentation.
- Please ensure that your video is sent along with your electronic poster by 30th May 2022
Attendance at the BABICM conference: The posters will be presented over both days of the conference. Whilst you may provide details on your poster and in your video for people to contact you, we also hope that you will consider attending the conference to answer any questions that delegates may have, and in order for them to seek you out following viewing of your videos. You may consider producing A4 copies of your poster for people to take away, and please bring these with you if you wish to do so.
Places can be booked for the conference, by following the link:
We hope to see you there and look forward to your submissions!