The Institute of Registered Case Managers (IRCM) has consulted with case managers on its proposed minimum Standards currently being developed to measure the competence and behaviour of registrants. The IRCM is in the process of considering the entry requirements for registration, and these will be framed on the proposed Standards.
For several years there have been discussions about the need for a nationally recognised but independent register of case managers who have demonstrated their competence against specific case manager standards.
The aim of the register is to protect the public by ensuring quality case management and enabling autonomy and accountability for case managers. The IRCM is currently working towards accreditation by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) to enable the organisation to uphold these standards for registered case managers.
The process of accreditation requires the development of standards for practice, ethics, and professionalism. Angela Kerr, IRCM Chair recently commented that they are working towards PSA Accreditation this year but ‘there’s a lot of work to be done’.
In 2015 the IRCM published its first version of the Case Management Framework defining the general skills and knowledge base that all case managers should have to deliver high quality case management services to clients.
The Competency Framework and draft Standards have been carefully mapped against each other, and against the quality standards of the PSA. The recent consultation is now closed but work continues, and case members will be updated throughout the process. Case managers from across the country are playing a key role in the development of the IRCM; BABICM is represented across IRCM management and the subgroups. The IRCM has recently launched a new website so please visit for further information or log on to one of its regular ‘check-in’ webinars.