Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for November 2020

BABICM Council met virtually on the 19th November 2020 to discuss the latest decisions, new ventures successes and sub-group reports.

Membership Report

We were able to report that BABICM has over 875 members. An increase of 64 members since November 2019.

A criteria for Fellows membership is to be further developed by Council.

Training Events Group

It was agreed that all future events will identify which of the 7 BABICM competencies will be covered in the content together with the learning outcomes.

The New and Would Be and Beyond the Beginnings events are to be developed to become certified events.  This will include a short assessment following the workshop. The introduction of these updates will be reflected in the title of the events changing them to, Case Management Foundation Certificate Level 1 & 2 (dates are yet to be confirmed).

The Training Events group are looking to start development on a workshop specifically introducing the profession of Case Management to Paralegals.

BABICM have also begun collaborating with external service providers and organisations to produce further online training courses, the first being presented in January in association with Symmetrikit and will be looking at Postural Care.

Professional Practice & Membership Group

Nicola Simpson has been appointed as the 3rd paid Advanced Membership Assessor within the PPMG group.  These assessments have recently been moved to an online platform and will continue to be virtual until the end of April 2021.

The group have recently completed a Diversity and Inclusion statement for BABICM which can be found within the November members magazine and on the BABICM website.

PPMG are also to develop a checklist on the BABICM website for Deputies.


A new page specifically for research is to be developed and put on the BABICM website containing links to past research projects completed by the group.

Focus groups are to be formed to participate in the new COVID-19 research project launched in October. Any further interested parties should contact the BABICM office for more details.

Following the BABICM communication strategy the BABICM Research group will also be looking to build relationships with other partnerships who represent clients with complex needs.

Registered Case Managers Strategy Group

The website for the Institute of Registered Case Managers (IRCM) is now live and can be accessed at  https://togetherstronger.org.uk/ for the latest news and updates.

Company Strategy Group

The new CSG group will be working on a communication strategy to promote BABICM’s aims and objectives. This is to include the benefits of membership for case managers dealing with clients with complex conditions.

Treasurers report

Profitability has increased this year due to lack of expenditure for travel and venue hire.

It was agreed that Council and sub groups should reduce face to face meetings to twice a year.  One of these meetings is to include a 2 day strategy meeting.

BABICM Office (Administration Matters)

The Corporate banner is now live on the BABICM homepage for all Corporate and Charity Associate members and features a logo and link to a company webpage.

The BABICM brochure celebrating the history of BABICM is to be published early 2021 in preparation for our 25 year celebrations.

A policy has been written by the board of Directors as to how BABICM should be connecting directly with our members to provide information relevant to their membership. This can now be found on the BABICM website.

Any Other Business

The next meeting of Council will be arranged by video conference on the 14th January 2021.