The Open Justice – Court of Protection Project are looking for BABICM members who would like to observe hearings and contribute to the Project.
The Court of Protection project led by Celia Kitzinger and Gill Loomes-Quinn, makes decisions about whether adults have the mental capacity to make key decisions in their lives – such as where they live, whether they undergo serious medical treatment, whether they maintain contact with family members, whether or not they have sex. If people are deemed to lack capacity it makes ‘best interests’ decisions on their behalf.
The Open Justice Court of Protection Project encourages public access to the court by sharing court listings, with details of hearings that are open to the public, providing information and practical support for people wishing to observe the Court of Protection in action, reporting on hearings we’ve observed via our blog, and providing links to published judgments, and updates on developments in the court. We’ve supported hundreds of people to observe court hearings and published more than 70 blog posts – including hearings about life-sustaining treatment, court-ordered caesarean, restraint, covert medication, and deprivation of liberty. Observers include case managers (e.g. A Case Manager observes in the Court of Protection by Jackie Waggott), social workers, psychologists, IMCAs, nurses, doctors and families with vulnerable relatives. Please visit our website, check out our blogs, access information about how ot observe a hearing, and – if you’d like to – get in touch via our Contact Page.
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