We are excited to announce the launch of BABICM’s next project!
As you will all know, the world has faced a pandemic which has resulted in significant changes to our working practices, how we engage with our clients and how our clients are able to live their daily lives. As an organisation we would like to capture the challenges and successes of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are aware that there has been some creative solutions developed to cope with the ‘new normal’, but are equally aware that clients and family members have founds these times very challenging; particularly if they have not been able to access their support services/networks.
We have attached an outline of the project which provides details of how we propose to capture this information. To begin with, we would like to obtain details of any of you that are interested in taking part in this study. Once we have these details, we will be in contact to arrange a convenient time for the focus groups to take place. Please can you provide expressions of interest no later than Friday 30th October 2020. Expressions of interest can be sent directly to Ben Needham-Holmes via bneedhamholmes@bushco.co.uk.
Likewise, if you have any queries you would like answering prior to agreeing to sign up, please contact Ben who will be happy to discuss these with you.
Click here for full details – COVID 19 Project Launch to Membership