Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for September 2020
September has been an extremely busy month for BABICM and we are excited to share our new strategy document for the next twelve months following our recent 2 day strategy meeting.
- Recognise, promote and share knowledge and excellence in brain injury and complex case management.
- Lead the way promoting research and evidence-based practice relevant to individuals with complex needs.
- Influence and shape national policy and procedures for individuals with brain injury and complex needs through collaborative working.
- Maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in everything we do.
- Deliver an effective service and ensure sustainability of the Association
Recognise, promote and share knowledge and excellence in brain injury and complex case management
We will do this through:
- Regularly raising and debating current needs and issues* arising in the field and create agreed actions that will drive existing processes and new initiatives forwards
- Addressing member queries regarding practice (including complaints about members)
- Create/review guidance material relating to excellent practice
- Develop training and events based on guidance (and beyond)
- Develop/adapt material relating to excellent paediatric practice
- Publishing guidance on website, through bulletin and share relevant notices on social media
- Supporting members CPD via creating development opportunities, sharing information, encouraging Adv CM
- Sharing expertise, skills and knowledge through written material, delivering training or presenting research
- Actively championing best practice, promoting professional Standards, and overseeing membership of BABICM
By promoting BABICM’s professionality and credibility (both to existing membership and to potential users or members)
We will do this through:
- Enhancing our presence and visibility on Social Media
- Branded bulletin and other communications to members
- Continual signposting to website and new additions to the site
- Ongoing review and improvement of website content
- Encouraging and supporting members to use BABICM logo in email signature
By applying the principle of integrity and transparency (embedded within our Code of Ethics and Conduct) to all BABICM business and work
We will do this through:
- Making decisions by committee following the agreed process within the Board, Council and sub-groups
- Keeping records of discussion and decisions made
- Publishing our plans and any significant associated expenditure
Deliver an effective service and ensure sustainability of the Association
By becoming renowned as a valuable resource and source of information and expertise for non-members in this field
We will do this through:
- Promoting BABICM Advanced Members as available to deliver presentations
- Delivering training and presentations to organisations such as PDF, OPG
- Promoting the benefits of using BABICM case managers
- Sharing our published research and guidance widely
- Providing comment and input to other groups publications relating to BI and Complex CM
- Writing or contributing to articles in national publications
Lead the way promoting research and evidence-based practice relevant to individuals with complex needs
We will do this through:
- Designing and undertaking research (in association with membership and other organisations)
- Ensuring research by BABICM members is promoted amongst membership via website, bulletin, presentations
- Supporting and nurturing new research ideas & initiatives
- Finding ways to have research findings impact opinions of non-CM Experts
- New Research page on website
Influence and shape national policy and procedures for individuals with brain injury and complex needs through collaborative working
We will do this through IRCM collaborating with:
- CQC (and equivalent regulatory inspectorates)
- UKABIF & ABI Alliance
- Rehab Working Party
- CBIT and Cereba
- Other membership organisation for case managers (CMSUK, VRA)
- NHS – neuronavigators
- Major Trauma Group
- Headway
Maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in everything we do
By actively contributing to the formation and development of a professional register for case managers.
We will do this through:
- Continuing to have three BABICM members sit on the IRCM committee developing standards and driving strategy
- Contributing financially to the costs of setting up and running the IRCM
- Contributing to the evidence-base through current research
By providing value for existing members (all membership types)
We will do this through:
- Keeping the membership informed of our ongoing work and new initiatives
- Publicising and promoting the benefits and offerings available to members – bulletin and welcome pack
- Seeking members views and implementing feedback
- Offering promotional opportunities for corporate members – including visibility on website and sponsored events
- Supporting and providing opportunities for CPD of all members
By attracting new members (to all membership categories)
We will do this through:
- Creating a demand amongst commissioners for BABICM case managers
- Supporting existing members to use branding and promote benefits of membership to colleagues
- Supporting and encouraging registered practitioner members to become advanced registered practitioners
By maintaining and growing healthy finances
We will do this through:
- Generating income through membership fees, training & events, sponsorship and other fund-raising initiatives
- Ensuring cost effective solutions are considered and used when appropriate and available