Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for July 2020

BABICM Council welcomed new members Andrew Patterson, Viv Cooper, Stacey Bryant, Jackie Dean, Sally Wilkinson and Vicki Gilman. Vicki Gilman has been co-opted onto Council this year to take over the role as BABICM Chair next year.  Janette Mason has also been appointed as Director of Operations and member of the Board with Anita Pascoe.

Membership Report

We were able to report that we have over 850 members of BABICM.  Anita Pascoe has been appointed as the new Membership Secretary and Director.

Training Events Group

Following the success of the Isolation Innovations series set of online events, TEG are to work with CYPG to produce a new series of webinars focusing on areas of case management which have and will affect children and families during the transition back into school.   . These bitesize webinars are offered free to BABICM members and £25 for non members.

Professional Practice & Membership Group

All Advanced Membership Assessments are to resume in September 2020 and new dates have been added for 2021.   PPMG are to recruit a 3rd paid assessor by August 2020.

PPMG are to produce a new guidance document for members on the subject of ‘What does good practice look like’?

To ensure that BABICM maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in everything we do, we will be asking as part of the renewal process for BABICM members who hold a Practitioner, Registered Practitioner or Advanced Registered Practitioner membership to complete an acknowledgement.  This will  confirm that they continue to act in line with BABICM’s code of ethics and practice and BABICM standards of case management.   Advanced Members will be asked to confirm that they have continued to practice in line with level 3 of the BABICM competency framework.

Advanced Membership Assessors are to work with the BABICM Office to produce a webinar in September for those interested in applying for their Advanced Membership. This will be also be a Q&A session where candidates can speak directly to the assessors.


Jackie Dean has been appointed Chair of the Research group replacing Ben Needham-Holmes.

The research specific training day orginally scheduled for September 2020 has been postponed until 2021 (date tbc).

Students continue to work on a COVID-19 study ready for MSC students in September 2020.  This study will form part of the research segment at the BABICM Annual conference 2021.

Children and Young Peoples Group

New members Emily de Vulder and Dr Angela Simcox were welcomed onto the CYPG group. The group are collaboratively working on the next webinar series ‘Paediatric Practice in a Pandemic’ with the Training Events group.

Summer Conference Group

The BABICM 2021 25th Anniversary conference has now been launched transferring the programme from 2020 to 2021 with additional breakout sessions.

Treasurers report

Louise Chance has replaced Andrew Rose as Treasurer following this year’s AGM.

BABICM Office (Administration Matters)

Corporate Members are to be added to a banner on the BABICM homepage with a link directing them to the company website.

The welcome pack is to be offered in digital format with a digital magazine which can be accessed from all electronic devices.


Any Other Business

A new new sub-group was proposed which will be a company strategy group to drive the strategy and company essence in line with the development of the institute. These will be responsible for Mem and Arts updates, skills matrix, project planning, budgets, communications and the product that we provide to our members. AK, VG,VC,SBY,AB and JM will form the new Company Strategy Group. (CSG). Their first meeting will be on 24th July 2020.

Council are to continue representing the membership by increasing collaborative group connections. For example: NICE, Major Trauma Group, Rehab Working party, ABI Alliance and OPG.

The next meeting of Council will be arranged by video conference on the 21st & 22nd September at the Strategy days.