Following on from the success of our supported decision making study, we are wanting to canvass case managers viewpoints on the use of outcomes when working with clients who have sustained a brain injury. Please find below answers to some key questions you may have regarding this study:

What is the study about?

This study aims to understand how brain injury case managers measure, assess and understand outcomes when working with their clients after brain injury.

As a participant what will be expected of me?

You will be asked to complete an online survey (link is provided below) which has a range of multiple choices and free text response options. Following this you will be asked to take part in a one-to-one interview over the phone where you will be asked about your experiences of working with brain injury clients and establishing good outcomes. You will also be asked about experiences of poor outcomes. We are also interested to know more about any differences you perceive in the outcomes focused on by different members of a team or across cleints and family members.

When does the survey need to be completed by?

We will start to review responses as soon as they come in. For those that have agreed to be interviewed, a member of from Plymouth University will be in contact to discuss the interview stage. We are aiming to close the survey on 28th February 2020.


Link to the study:

There is a wealth of experience amongst our membership and we are very much looking forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions relating to this study, please do not hesitate to contact the BABICM office, and we will be happy to help.