Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for September 2019
BABICM are very keen for the membership to be aware that we are celebrating the work that is being done within the organisation and how we are establishing collaborative working, particularly with organisations with a united cause. BABICM are already working with the ABI Alliance, Major Trauma Group and the Rehabilitation working party and are in discussions with APIL, CQC, OPG and Neuronavigators for future collaborations.
Succession Planning
BABICM Chairship
You may be aware our current chair Angela Kerr is due to finish her term as BABICM Chair in June 2021, the group will shortly release the required criteria for any expressions of interest.
Treasurer and Membership Secretary
The current Treasurer Andrew Rose and Membership Secretary Tim Watson’s terms are due to end in June 2020. The group will shortly release the required criteria for any expressions of interest.
Sub Groups
To ensure representation of each of the sub-groups at Council Meetings, each of the Sub-group Chairs are to appoint a Vice Chair who will be able to attend meetings in their absence.
Training Events Group
A vacancy for an experienced lawyer has been advertised to fill the knowledge gap in the Training Events group, expressions of interest should be received by 11th October 2019.
All events for 2019 have now been booked and are advertised here. Most events for 2019 have now sold out or have very few places left. Dates for our annual New and Would Be and Beyond The Beginnings 2020 workshops have been amended to include two dates in the North and two in the South, dates have been released and advertised. Both events will be held in Leeds and Bristol in March and November 2020. Potential for future Webinar events to be discussed at the next meeting.
The Annual Conference 2020 is to be launched on the 1st October 2019 and will be held on the 10th & 11th June 2020 at the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham.
Professional Practice & Membership Group
Dates for Advanced Membership Assessments have been released and can be viewed here. The potential for future Advanced Membership Assessments to be completed via video conferencing is to be discussed further as to its suitability. The BABICM name change to the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management has now been updated with Companies House and all correspondence should now reflect this. A logo with the new strapline can be requested from the office. PPMG are to provide uniform slides which can be incorporated into relevant presentations when members are presenting at different venues and want to mention BABICM.
Research Group
The next research project will focus on defining the outcomes of case management. Council agreed that BABICM should celebrate our own research with a slot in the annual conference on day 2.
BABICM Office (Administration Matters)
The online booking and membership facility will be live shortly, enabling delegates to book and pay online via paypal. Sharon Bentley has now left the office team and Janette Mason and Michelle Radford continue to provide support in the Office. Website pictures are to be updated to represent our organisation and its aims. If you have any suitable high-quality images which you feel show the work and values of BABICM, please send them to us.
The members forum is to be updated to include a questions for speakers section for each event, this is to encourage delegates to ask questions before an event and discuss content after.
The Office are to provide presentation packs to Council members including ‘BABICM member pop-up banners’ and flyers.
Other updates
We are planning a BABICM book to be produced as part of the 25 year anniversary celebrations in 2021. If you have any old BABICM photographs of Council or events we would love to see them.
The Memorandum and Articles document is to be finalised and published on the website in the near future.