BABICM Council Elections: The Results

Thank you to all BABICM members for the tremendous response when voting on the new Council members this year.  We are pleased to welcome Penny Haysom from Headfirst and Alison Barker from Independent Living Solutions to join the Council.

We are all looking forward to working with you over the next six years and are excited to hear your thoughts and ideas.

Annual Reports

BABICM Members click the link to see Annual reports from each of the subgroups

CLICK HERE to download the Annual Reports from AGM 2019

Please Note: We are currently taking applications to join our Training Events Group. Please contact the BABICM Office for further details. Deadline for applications is July 9th 2019.

BABICM Name Change

To accurately reflect the work that BABICM’s does we also asked the membership to vote on a change to the memorandum & articles, amending the organisations name to the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management.  The membership voted in favour of the change and this will come into effect immediately.

AGM 2019 address from the BABICM Chair

My third year as Chair has continued to be rewarding and inspiring, flying by as so much has happened over the year. As always what has been achieved over the last 12 months will be celebrated at the end of the our annual conference on 25th June and outlined in the subgroup reports in what we fondly term BABICM’s Acknowledgements, Progress and Momentum (AGM)

BABICM continues to work collaboratively with CMSUK and VRA on several projects which are common to all our members in particular the creation of a regulatory body for case managers. Over the last 12 months this development has moved forward with agreement to incorporate the regulatory body as the Institute of Registered Case Managers (IRCM), with the working party formally termed the Quality Case Management Project (QCMP) becoming the Registered Case Managers Strategy Group. With this development rather than set up a 3rd International Conference collaboratively it was agreed that we combine our energy’s into starting training sessions for case managers that would meet the combined competency standards which would support registration under the Institutes banner.

Working relationships have been maintained with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), Court of Protection (COP) the Palace of Westminster and European Brain Injury Society (EBIS). We are delighted that Senior Judge of the COP, Judge Hilder has agreed to speak at our conference this year as our keynote speaker on day 1. We were even more delighted that she agreed to gear her presentation around members questions.  BABICM continues to be an active participant in the Acquired Brain Injury Alliance (ABI Alliance) now a subgroup of the UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum in support of the campaign to promote the Rehabilitation prescription for all ABI patients.

An exciting alliance has been formed with the Care Quality Commission through their Registrations Advisor to help us finally know the answer regarding the need for case managers to register or not to register and if so under what regulatory activity. A full report was produced by BABICM and CMSUK asking for clarification on this question. We requested this information be available for our conference, unfortunately we are still awaiting a decision and will feed back to the membership once received.

The subgroups continue to produce excellent work which in turn continues BABICM’s progress (please refer to the subgroup reports for more information). In summary, the Professional Practice and Membership Group (PPMG) continue to develop the peer review assessment process, guide membership and build on the website.

The Special Interests Group (SIG) surveyed members and plans to set up the special interest group on CQC. The Training and Education Group (TEG) Chair Vicki Gilman has come to end of her term and will be handing over to Sue Brown.  A rolling programme of educational events have been agreed throughout the year and into next year in line with the memberships wishes.

The Research Group (RG) continue to link with Plymouth University. Further studies and research will take place over the coming years therefore feedback on research will be given in their regular slot in our annual conference programme. The Registered Case Managers Strategy Group has made strides forward in the development of a regulatory pathway and the registration of case managers.

As planned, we appointed an Office Manager, Janette Mason to lead and drive BABICM’s administrative procedures and primarily help in the sustainability of BABICM by helping the Chair, Directors and subgroups in the day to day operations and development work. This has been a positive appointment as all are feeling the benefit of Janette’s support.

The Book on the history of BABICM has yet to be completed; hopefully this will be available next year.

The strategic outcomes for next year will be debated and agreed by council in September 2019 and shared with members on our website.  The focus of the strategy days will be succession planning for the Chair and Directors to ensure BABICM’s development and progress is maintained.
This just leaves me to say a big thank you to Directors, Tim Watson and Andrew Rose, Council, members of all the subgroups, the BABICM admin team, Janette, Sharon and Michelle plus Emma Waddingham for their commitment to BABICM and hard work in driving BABICM forward into the future.


  Angela Kerr