Welcome to the BABICM Council Update for May 2019
Training & Events Group
Council thanked Vicki Gilman for her contribution to the Training and Events group as Chair, and welcomed onboard Sue Brown from Browns Case Management as the new Chair of the group.
Jackie Waggot, from Social Return, also joined the TEG team.
All events for 2019 have now been booked and are advertised here.
Dates for our annual New and Would Be and Beyond The Beginnings 2020 workshops have been secured and will be released shortly. Both events will be held in Birmingham.
The office has now polled out to members a list of categories of ideas for future events, based on delegate feedback forms. The recently launched BABICM Forum has also been introduced as a platform for members to submit training and event ideas.
Future TEG events will look to be structured around a list of topics: children and families, medico-legal, clinical, New & Would Be, Beyond The Beginnings, deputies and technical.
Professional Practice & Membership Group
Victoria Leever is now in position and trained as a new Advanced Membership Assessor.
PPMG will provide dates for next year’s Advanced Membership Assessments. These will be advised following appointment of the new Assessors in June. Council agreed that two new Assessors should be appointed to improve geographic availability and overall cover of the role.
A new booklet for Headway has been produced and will be sent to the charity for distribution.
Final questions and preparations are underway for the past BABICM Chair spotlight interviews, that are to take place at the Annual Conference in June.
The decision to change the BABICM name to the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management is be taken to the membership for a vote and will be announced at the AGM at the Annual Conference 2019.
PPMG will also conduct some research to produce a BABICM Code of Conduct for subject access request for clients and disclosure to deputies.
Research Group
The Research Group advised that it would like to attend the International Brain Injury Conference in Dublin in 2021 and has asked Council for ideas for research. This is to be opened up to the membership as a topic for suggestions via the BABICM Forum.
Registered Case Manager Strategy Group
The QCMP group has changed its name to the Registered Case Managers Strategy Group (RCMSG). A further meeting has been arranged on the 21st June 2019 to begin the development towards registration starting with training sessions on the core standards for case managers. The core group is made up of representatives from each organisation (BABICM, CMSUK and VRA). The company for this group will be set up as the Institute of Registered Case Managers Ltd (IRCM).
Special Interest Groups
New special interest groups for the CQC and those working towards Advanced Membership are to be launched in June 2019, and will meet initially by closed forum and via Webex.
BABICM Annual Conference 2019
A joint letter from BABICM and CMSUK has been sent to Andy Brown Registrations Advisor at CQC requesting clarification as to whether Case Managers should be registered with CQC and if so under what regulated activity.
We are hoping to have the decision in time for the 2019 AGM (to take place at our Annual Conference in June).
Andrew Merrin from the NR Times will attend the conference to write a piece on the event. Author Jack Martindale is our after-dinner speaker on day one.
Suggestions were made by the group for the 2020 conference based on the agreed theme, this is to be released at the 2019 Annual Conference.
BABICM Office (Administration Matters)
The BABICM Annual Conference 2020 will be held in Birmingham in June. The theme and dates for the 2020 event are to be announced at this year’s Annual Conference.
A proposal and quote were provided by the Office for an online booking facility for events and membership, hosted on the BABICM website. The proposal was approved by Council and it is now in the design stage.
BABICM has secured a regular slot in the OT magazine publication, contributing to articles and helping to promote all of our events and membership opportunities.
Further networking events and collaborative webinar opportunities were suggested and will be discussed further at the BABICM Strategic Planning Meeting in September 2019.