To register or not to register: that is the question
On the 13th May 2019, BABICM will send a full report to Andy Brown, the Registered Advisor for the Care Quality Commission (CQC), detailing what it is that case managers do. The report will be discussed with the legal team at the CQC and it will clarify to BABICM and CMSUK whether the role of case managers as a whole is to be registered and, if so, what regulated activities they need to register for in order to undertake the work.
As BABICM member case managers work with brain injury and complex care cases it is highly likely that they will be required to be registered under the regulated activity of Disease, Disorder and Injury. The CQC will make a decision by the end of May 2019. BABICM will discuss this further at our Annual General Meeting 2019 and during the ‘slap the rat’ workshop, both hosted at the BABICM Annual Conference this June.