Delivered by: BABICM & Plymouth University


  • Dr Alyson Louise Norman, University of Plymouth
  • Ms Sophie Moore, University of Plymouth
  • Ms Rebecca Wotus, University of Plymouth
  • Dr Mark Holloway, Head First (assessment & case management)
  • Ms Jackie Dean, N-Able Services

Research Overview

Following the House of Lords Select Committee request for information regarding the use of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) with clients with ABI, the British Association of Brain Injury & Complex Case Managers (BABICM) undertook a very successful response, members’ evidence playing a significant part in the report that their Lordships produced. We are aware from our practice and our colleagues that issues relating to the assessment of mental capacity, to supported decision-making and supporting people in the community remain a key area of concern. Brain Injury Case Managers (BICMs) have significant experience that will be invaluable in this regard.

This research aimed to gain a greater understanding of the experiences and knowledge of BICMs of the issues presented by mental capacity and the application of the MCA. The intention of undertaking this research was to utilise the knowledge and experience of BICMs to inform policy makers, support improvements in the services provided to brain injured people and their relatives and to support BABICM members by the sharing of knowledge and experience.